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The Grant Plan:

The Coastal Heritage Society has received a $37,857 grant from the National Park Service's American Battlefield Protection Program. Its effort to protect and document the battlefield, and eventually get it placed on the National Register of Historic Places, will be undertaken in two phases.


Phase I:

With the recently discovered Spring Hill Redoubt as a reference point, the CHS will combine GIS (geographic information system) mapping technology, primary document research and limited archaeological investigations in an effort to determine the locations of key defense points in the 1779 Siege of Savannah. It will also include public outreach in the form of presentations to community groups, a brochure about project results, a technical report and additions to the current Revolutionary War exhibit in the Savannah History Museum.

Phase II:

If approved, this portion of the plan would feature further research, including archaeological digs on parts of the battlefield that are private property (if the owners approve), and culminate with an application to get the site listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

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